Paul Gorman is…

The Man Whose Mind Exploded: Toby Amies’ envoi to his extraordinary friend Drako Oho Zarhazar

I can’t wait to see documentarist Toby Amies’ envoi to his extraordinary friend Drako Oho Zarhazar.

Over the last year or so when we have bumped into each other socially, Amies has shown me snippets on his phone. Each tasty morsel has increased my hunger for this portrait of the late Brighton dweller Amies describes as “muse for Dali, actor for Jarman, dancer at Les Folies Bergère, outsider interior decorator, hero and legend”.

The title refers to Zarhazar’s condition; he suffered from anterograde amnesia, which meant that he could not create new memories so existed utterly in the present. Much of the film was shot in the 75-year-old’s home/installation, which he decorated with art, slogans and porn.

The Man Whose Mind Exploded is showing at Sheffield Doc/Fest – details here.

Visit Toby Amies’ website here.

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